Login: jss Name: Directory: /home/jss Shell: /bin/plan.cat Last login Sun Dec 08 01:39:58 2024 UTC No Mail. Plan: Society seeks order in anarchy gopher://sdf.org/1/users/jss https://jss.taxreligion.org Sun Dec 8 01:17:32 UTC 2024 I recently watched a video where Adam Savage talks at length about his favorite pencil (Papermate Sharpwriter). As someone who uses a pencil for 99% of their writing, that made me think about what my favorite pencil is. By favorite pencil, I really mean favorite pencils. Staedtler Mars Technico 780 This is a 2mm lead holder. I have been using the same one with HB lead for around 3 years now. I really enjoy the simplicity and I find it confortable to write with for extended periods of time. Pentel Sharp P205/P207 A very simple and classic design. Built well. I have been using the P205 for roughly 2-3 years. Very well made. Pentel Twist-Erase III 0.5mm Very, very comfortable to write with. Nice grip, nice large eraser. Biggest selling point is not having to carry a standalone eraser. Fri Nov 8 03:11:30 UTC 2024 WTF? Sun Oct 27 17:25:46 UTC 2024 I've been carrying an Otter-Messer 3 Rivet knife for a bit now and it is a pretty neat knife. Recently, I have been more interested in slip joint knifes as opposed to locking, folding knives. For my uses, a slip joint knife does everything I need it to do. For harder user tasks I also carry a belt knife (Esee Pr-4) and a Leatherman Rebar. Thu Oct 10 03:41:47 UTC 2024 Testing out my .plan script... Thu Oct 10 03:38:20 UTC 2024 Not too much to say these days. I took another crack at trying to use emacs over the last few weeks. All I can say about emacs is that I don't think I am ever destined to understand it. I don't feel like the effort is worth the potential payoff. Thu Sep 12 04:01:14 UTC 2024 Since I started using CVS, one thing that for some reason I could never seem to wrap my head around was putting all of $HOME in one import. After much searching and trial and error I was able to do it. I'm not sure if it was worth it. Here was my process: There are a few things I addressed up front. I knew there were some files and directories that I did not want to track (.cache, .mozilla, etc.). I also knew there were some files that I did not want keywords to expand on. I add all of those to ~/.cvsignore. Then I crossed my fingers and imoprted $HOME cvs import -m "Iniital import into CVS" home jss start I made backups, then removed everything that was initially imported. Then I had to check out home to $HOME. This was the part I couldn't figure out for some reason. cd ~ cd .. cvs co -d jss home That managed to checkout my import. After that it was editing my ~/.cvsignore and removing the files/directories that I wanted to add manually. Thu Sep 12 03:54:49 UTC 2024 Changed my plan script a bit so let's see if it works. Wed Sep 4 01:21:59 UTC 2024 Still using a chromebook for a lot of my computing. I think the crostini environment does linux integration pretty well. So far it has been a pretty pleasant experience. Mon Aug 12 03:23:42 UTC 2024 I was listening to a podcast recently and one of the hosts was talking about working within constraints. I have went through phases before where I tried limiting my computing to things like POSIX sh and whatnot but it never really stuck. Recently, I dug out my old chromebook and decided to start playing around with it. After powerwashing it, I removed basically everything but the terminal and the chrome browser and then set up the crostini environment. Since then, I have been basically using it as my main computer, ssh'ing into SDF as needed. I went into this little experiment wanted to install as few extra packages as possible and just use what is provided by the crostini environment. Here are some of my observations: * I had to install ed * I had to install gcc and make * I had to install rsync * I had to install cvs so I could work with my html directory on SDF * The battery life is pretty great * The screen is pretty blah I have been using bash with a minimal bashrc which is a bit of a departure from the ksh that I am used to. I have been doing all of my scripting in POSIX sh and using shellcheck to make sure I am being compliant. It has been kind of fun. You can do quite a bit with a chromebook and a shell. Thu Aug 1 04:58:31 UTC 2024 "It's not that using ed(1) is the pinnacle of systems administration achievement; it's the minimum requirement." Mon Jul 22 02:41:45 UTC 2024 So I wanted to be able to see if there were new posts on undeadly.org without having to go to the website: #!/bin/ksh # awk line comes from: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/72749 ftp -o - "https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=rss" \ | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' \ -e 's/<!\[\CDATA\[//g' \ -e 's/Read more…//g' \ -e 's/\]\]>//g' \ -e 's/^M//g' \ | awk '!NF { if (++n <= 2) print; next }; { n=0;print }' \ | fmt | less -n +11 I added the following to ~/.Xdefaults to make selecting links in XTerm easier: XTerm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48 Wed Jul 3 18:30:29 UTC 2024 My Top 5 Folding Knives 1) Spyderco Stretch 2 K390 2) Spyderco Police 4 G10 K390 3) Chris Reeve Sebenza 21 Insingo Blade 4) Benchmade 940 5) Victorinox Outrider My Top 3 Fixed Blades 1) Esee Camplore CR2.5 2) Esee Camplore PR4 3) Esee Sencillo A2 Tue Jul 2 03:55:59 UTC 2024 It's been awhile since I've posted anything. To be fair, I haven't really had too much to say. Work has kept me pretty busy. I do have this week off though, so that is nice. Sun May 26 21:47:31 UTC 2024 Some thoughts... * I script in #!/bin/ksh * POSIX at one time mattered to me. But as time has gone on I only write scripts for myself. So POSIX conformance doesn't matter to me. * When in doubt, use it from base. * The modern web kind of sucks. A lot. Sun May 26 21:46:10 UTC 2024 Disclaimer: I have had a few drinks today... What does tmuxinator solve that a shell script does not? Tue May 21 01:56:18 UTC 2024 I've been carrying the Outrider for a bit now. It's a good knife. It *might* currently be my favorite SAK. I don't mind the size although it is a little on the larger size (111mm). Wed May 15 04:14:12 UTC 2024 It's been a bit. Really nothing has been going on. I picked up a new knife, the Victorinox Outrider. I'm going to try it for a bit as my main knife/multitool. First impressions are pretty good so far. Decent sized blade. I like the locking cap lifter and main blade. Will update after I get some use out of it. Sun Apr 28 07:11:22 UTC 2024 So it turns out it really wasn't super hard to figure out. That said, I'm not super happy with it. But at least I know it is possible. function _cd { \cd "$@" && [[ -e CVS ]] && cvs -qn up } alias cd=_cd The problem with it is that since my CVS repos live on a remote server I get impatient when I have to wait for it to "connect" to run the cvs up command. Sat Apr 27 16:01:33 UTC 2024 This is driving me nuts. What I want to do is whenver I cd into a directory that is under CVS revision control I want to run cvs -qn up. For whatever reason I cannot wrap my head around how to make it work reliably everytime. Fri Apr 26 02:39:38 UTC 2024 Not a whole lot going on. Switched up my EDC slightly. Sebenza 21 Esee Sencillo Leatherman Rebar Casio GW6900 Opensea Leather Topsider I've had the Sebenza for quite awhile but for whatever reason never carried it much. Started carrying it again last week and I really do enjoy it quite a bit. Tue Apr 9 03:30:12 UTC 2024 So far I am really liking the Sencillo. I think it will definately replace the CR 2.5 as my everyday fixed blade. Larger yes, but extremely comfortable to use. Decent sheath from the factory. Sun Mar 31 15:46:38 UTC 2024 Recently picked up an Esee Sencillo. Will see if this replaces the Esee CR 2.5 as my EDC fixed blade. So far after a couple of days I really like it. Sort of like an Izula/Izula II, but a little bit nicer (better handle, slightly longer blade, etc.). Sun Mar 24 04:12:15 UTC 2024 A way to check the status of SDF.org #!/bin/ksh ftp -o - https://www.sdf.org/status | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' | less Sun Mar 24 00:05:54 UTC 2024 So I think I am pretty much settled into my new place. Things are basically where I want them to be and this time I decided to set up my desk and computer and everything in the garage. So far it is working out nicely. Wed Mar 20 03:13:13 UTC 2024 Been a little bit. I recently moved and didn't have access to my computer for the last week or so. But now I do. Thu Mar 7 05:27:39 UTC 2024 Decided to set the Spyderco K390 Stretch aside for a bit and try out a different carry. I am going to see how things go carrying a Victorinox Pioneer and a Esee PR4 for awhile. Fri Mar 1 18:26:15 UTC 2024 I am sure there are fantastic reasons to write all of my scripts for POSIX sh even if they are only for my own use. It just seems like a lot of work. Thu Feb 29 03:56:27 UTC 2024 Not a whole lot to talk about today. Just kind of worn out mentally. Sat Feb 24 05:10:50 UTC 2024 Does anyone still use a gopher client with a 67 character limit? Sat Feb 24 02:38:35 UTC 2024 Sometimes it is fun just to see how many places I can sync my .plan with. So far I am up to my webpage, gopher and plan.cat. Thu Feb 22 05:46:23 UTC 2024 I never really knew how many neat things you could do with the finger protocol. It's pretty neat. I personally have always liked to use it as my "blog", but knowing you can get the weather and things like that makes it fun. Wed Feb 21 04:18:16 UTC 2024 So I don't forget. Saw this today on plan.cat/~mlot finger ^"city, wa"@graph.no Mon Feb 19 03:35:38 UTC 2024 This was more of a pain in the ass than I was planning on. Getting it to work the way I want on my home computer has been worse. On my home computer there are only a few directories that I want to track. Mainly the ones where the CVSROOT is on SDF. _cd() { if [[ -e $1/CVS ]] then \cd "$1" && cvs -qn up else \cd "$@" fi } alias cd=_cd My home version has some case statements to deal with $TERM since I have some code to deal with window decorations. I don't like that I have to use wildcards to match directories. It is just ugly. Mon Feb 19 03:00:46 UTC 2024 Because for some reason I had a hard time finding just a list: Overall Presidential Greatness Ratings and Rankings 2024 https://jss.taxreligion.org/u/prank2024 1 Lincoln 2 FDR 3 Washington 4 T Roosevelt 5 Jefferson 6 Truman 7 Obama 8 Eisenhower 9 LB Johnson 10 Kennedy 11 Madison 12 Clinton 13 J Adams 14 Biden 15 Wilson 16 Reagan 17 Grant 18 Monroe 19 GHW Bush 20 JQ Adams 21 Jackson 22 Carter 23 Taft 24 McKinley 25 Polk 26 Cleveland 27 Ford 28 Van Buren 29 Hayes 30 Garfield 31 Harrison 32 GW Bush 33 Arthur 34 Coolidge 35 Nixon 36 Hoover 37 Tyler 38 Taylor 39 Fillmore 40 Harding 41 Harrison 42 Pierce 43 Johnson 44 Buchanan 45 Trump Sat Feb 17 22:41:10 UTC 2024 I decided I wanted to add some SomaFM stations to my radio script #!/bin/ksh trap '' INT select i in Quit \ "aNONradio" \ "Sonic Universe" \ "Groove Salad Classic" \ "Secret Agent" \ "Mission Control" do case "$i" in Quit) break ;; "aNONradio") mpg123 http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradio ;; "Sonic Universe") mpg123 http://ice1.somafm.com/sonicuniverse-256-mp3 ;; "Groove Salad Classic") mpg123 http://ice6.somafm.com/gsclassic-128-mp3 ;; "Secret Agent") mpg123 http://ice6.somafm.com/secretagent-128-mp3 ;; "Mission Control") mpg123 http://ice4.somafm.com/missioncontrol-128-mp3 ;; esac done Sat Feb 17 20:58:40 UTC 2024 How I listen to SDF aNONradio from the terminal #!/bin/ksh xterm -g 80x16+0+837 \ -T aNONradio \ -e mpg123 http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradio Sat Feb 17 05:49:05 UTC 2024 EDC Update Leatherman Rebar Spyderco Stretch 2 K390 Esee CR2.5 Victorinox Farmer X Casio GW6900 Open Sea Leather Topsider Paracord Bic Lighter Streamlight Microstream AAA These are the items that are in my pockets/attached to my belt. Thu Feb 15 05:19:42 UTC 2024 Testing out another way of syncing my .plan file. Thu Feb 15 05:06:58 UTC 2024 I think I prefer this way of updating my .plan. I like that I can keep my SDF .plan synced with my webpage .plan. I am currently using my .plan as sort of a running stream of thoughts/posts. Wed Feb 14 06:35:13 UTC 2024 One more test just to make sure it really works. Wed Feb 14 06:33:31 UTC 2024 Testing out a new script to generate my .plan file. Wed Feb 14 04:35:09 UTC 2024 I have been interested in messing with my homepage again. I tend to go through spurts. I figure if I have a webspace, I might as well use it and place random odds and ends in it. I also have shown interest in cgi scripts but can't really think of anything useful to do with them. Sat Feb 3 06:52:30 UTC 2024 Well I think I am over the worst part of being sick. I also recently acquired 2 older Dell Optiplex 3020's. Intel i3, 8gb RAM. One has a 500gb hdd and the other has a 500gb ssd. Now I just need to figure out what I need/want to do with them. Fri Feb 2 03:31:03 UTC 2024 Holy moly I am sick. I haven't been this sick in a long time. I woke up this morning and actually wondered if I was dying. Mon Jan 29 19:19:54 UTC 2024 I recently decided to start fresh and re-install OpenBSD. I have to say, the OpenBSD installer is nice. It is super simple and partitioning is not the chore that people seem to make it out to be. It is very straightforward. As an added bonus, you can encrypt the disk during the install process instead of having to drop into a shell. Over the years I have used a few different Linux distros (mainly Slackware), and while I enjoy Slackware, I cannot see myself using anything other than a BSD. Even Slackware has started introducing things like PAM, which just seems incredibly complex. I have no use for it. Sat Jan 27 06:18:53 UTC 2024 Things are kind of a drag. Looking for a new place to live. It is not a very enjoyable experience. Other than that, it is just that time of year where everything feels just "blah". Rain, go to work in the dark, leave in the dark. Bleh. Sat Jan 13 20:27:02 UTC 2024 Not much going on. Trying to stay warm. Switched from primarily using a laptop to using a desktop. That has really been about it. Sun Dec 24 09:55:57 UTC 2023 So I think what happens is that I get bored. Every so often I have this urge to make emacs work for me. Currently I use ed and vi (nvi really) and it works fine for me. What turns me off from emacs is that it feels it needs to do weird things with tabs and spaces I would rather not use GPL software if I can avoid it. Sun Dec 3 19:43:27 UTC 2023 I've carried some sort of Victorinox slip joint for years and years now. I am thinking of trying out a Case style "traditional" knife. I carried a peanut style knife about 20 years ago and remember using it all the time. At some point though I got caught up in having extra "tools" so have mainly carried the Victorinox's since then. Wed Nov 29 06:26:33 UTC 2023 I feel like I should give cwm an honest shot. I'm not going to lie though, fvwm works quite well for me. Tue Nov 28 05:26:34 UTC 2023 How I use cvs to manage my home directory ----------------------------------------- I use cvs to manage my home directory. In the past on other systems I have used RCS, git, and got. Recently I was using got but decided to try to use as many programs from my current operating system base packages as possible. So we are back to using cvs. First, in my ~/.profile I export CVSROOT: CVSROOT=~/cvs export CVSROOT In the top level of my home directory I create the ~/cvs directory and initialize it: mkdir ~/cvs cvs init Next, I will switch to the ~/tmp directory and checkout the CVSROOT directory and edit a few files: cd ~/tmp cvs co CVSROOT cd CVSROOT ed cvswrappers ed loginfo cvs ci -m "cvs repository setup" cd .. cvs release -d CVSROOT What I do here is edit cvswrappers to add some filetypes that cvs should ignore when keyword expansion is concerned. The loginfo file I add the following: DEFAULT /home/jss/bin/clog The ~/bin/clog scripts looks like this: #!/bin/ksh ( print; print "CVSROOT: $CVSROOT"; print "Changes by: $(id -un) $(date -u)"; print; cat )>/home/jss/tmp/cmlog cat $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog >>/home/jss/tmp/cmlog cp /home/jss/tmp/cmlog $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog Whenever I run a `cvs ci` cvs runs the ~/bin/clog script and appends the log file with "prettier" output: CVSROOT: /home/jss/cvs Changes by: jss Tue Nov 28 04:12:56 UTC 2023 Update of /home/jss/cvs/dotfiles In directory erb:/home/jss/src/dotfiles Modified Files: dot.kshrc Log Message: Add missing semicolon That is the initial setup for the repository. Now I will go through and start "importing" files/directories. For example, if I want to add my ~/src directory to cvs I will do the following: cd ~/src cvs import -m "Initial import into CVS" src jss start After I import everything I want to track, I will start checking everything out: mv ~/src ~/src.bak cvs co src rm -r src.bak Once I get everything imported and checked out there are only a few more things that I like to have to make it a smoother experience. First is my `cvp` script: #!/bin/ksh set -A dirlist \ src/bin \ src/dotfiles \ src/html cd ~ || exit 1 cvs -qn up ${dirlist[@]} Running `cvp` will let me know if there are files in the listed directories that need to be committed or added. I also add two aliases to ~/.kshrc: alias cvh='cvs history -c | less' alias cvl='less ~/cvs/CVSROOT/commitlog' That is pretty much the bare bones setup of my cvs repository. Mon Nov 27 03:05:59 UTC 2023 Warren Zevon said it best, "Send lawyers, guns and money" Sun Nov 26 06:56:34 UTC 2023 Some EDC items I carry just because I like it. The Cold Steel Recon 1 is one of those items. It's a little big, but it makes me happy. Sat Nov 25 02:35:18 UTC 2023 EDC --- Esee CR2.5 Victorinox Farmer X Cold Steel Recon 1 Casio GW6900 Open Sea Leather Topsider Wallet Wazoo Spark Zippo with butane insert Wurkkos FC11 Some paracord Fri Nov 24 21:22:25 UTC 2023 I use xconsole. I keep it visible and use it for fun little things such as getting the weather. #!/bin/ksh nc -cTnoverify wttr.in 443 << EOF | GET /90001?format=%l:+%C+%t HTTP/1.0 Host: wttr.in User-Agent: curl EOF grep "90001" >/dev/console Run it from $PATH or keybind it. Change the zipcode to the appropriate one for you and it will display something like: 90001: Sunny +60F in xconsole. Fri Nov 24 21:14:55 UTC 2023 Some CVS things #!/bin/ksh set -A dirlist \ share/doc/notes \ src/bin \ src/c \ src/dotfiles \ src/html \ src/ksh \ src/python cd ~ || exit 1 cvs -q -n up ${dirlist[@]} Save it, name it, run it and it will show any files in the listed directories that have been added, modified, etc. Fri Nov 24 03:52:27 UTC 2023 I'm not much of a holiday person. Today was rather uneventful. About the only thing I did was finish my switch from got back to cvs. Thu Nov 23 06:56:25 UTC 2023 I have tried a few different revision control systems (git, got, RCS, CVS) and I keep coming back to CVS. It works. It's...cranky. But it works. Fri Nov 17 05:08:01 UTC 2023 I've never given C a serious shot. I am currently working through the 2nd edition C book and even though I am only on chapter 1, it has been enjoyable. Thu Nov 16 03:13:44 UTC 2023 I'm back. Let's try this again.