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Login: piet                             Name:  Piet Pieterszoon
Directory: /home/piet                  Shell: /bin/plan.cat
Last login Mon Nov 22 21:59:20 2021 UTC
Mail forwarded to botmetkas@gmail.com.
First impressions of user experience.

Evidently a minimalist blog as there is one. The concept is a necessity since a
one person tech. knowledgeable person cannot waste learning resources on higher
layers, "frameworks", CSS ...non exhaustive.

The dominating idea: human readable text and machine language should be a single
one ideally, the 'middle-man' being live code generated by corporations takes
away all purpose of the internet.

Ideally the code to content measure should apply to favor content.

The concept of calling the content in vim($EDITOR in case) on our system was
without gliches. Next try, changing T for a regular directory. The concept might
fall short of git for pulling and pushing content, since the "readers" will
inadvertedly use the browser to read our content???

The :w button called by tridactyl vimified abrowser does the job, and one can
stay on the keyboard.

In all a nice way to keep content in the public domain of the internet, then
the choice of the more overhead git? The editing being local in a decent of
your choice editor is the best experience.

The temporary local directory is deleted upon log-out. Could be a feature as
could be an inconvenience easily optioned by the user of his web page on the
plan.cat server.

Added text on the local side, there seems to be a timelaps between savingf
content on the public side.

RSS aggregates to individual user pages are fine.

Converted the command line code into a bash script easily called by "piet" and
leaves option to tweak and add features of the original curl command.  Todo
curl command fails on a different local linux machine, same distro (missing

curl application triggers a password prompt according to it's arguments.