.plan | rss | finger | motd | adduser | login
Login: v11e                             Name: Veraellyunjie
Directory: /home/v11e                  Shell: /bin/plan.cat
Last login Fri Jan 17 13:43:12 2025 UTC
No Mail.

It was nearly a quarter to four when my shell greeted me with a fortune:

The reader this message encounters not failing to understand is

dc -e 190255481098402710943110482375361627073546484426639878467576586P
^------------------[e-mail of mine, dc(1) to reveal]-----------------^

____    ____  __   __   _______ 
\   \  /   / /_ | /_ | |   ____|
 \   \/   /   | |  | | |  |__   
  \      /    | |  | | |   __|  
   \    /     | |  | | |  |____ 
    \__/      |_|  |_| |_______|